Saturday, December 1, 2012

Factoring by Grouping

Factoring is when the common numbers of a expression or equation is divided out to simplify the expression or equation. Factoring is helpful when solving inequalities, linear inequalities, finding the roots of a quadratic equation and more. However, the easiest way to factor is to factor by grouping.

For example:

In this example, you group 2wx+10w and 7x+35. Than you find the Greatest Common Factor for both of the groupings. You should than get 2w(x+5)+7(x+5). Than you group the like terms which are (x+5) and (2w+7) and viola you are done! The answer is (x+5)(2w+7).

Now, try factoring this: 2x^2-4x+3x-6



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